

Our 2025 Stewardship Campaign is underway! Prepare with us for Consecration Sunday, October 27, 2024 (RSVP HERE)with one service only at 10 a.m., followed by Thanks a Brunch in Dean Willey Hall.  Read the letter about this year's Stewardship Campaign HERE. Read our Stewardship Brochure HERE.We're preparing our hearts and minds during this time of stewardship with the 28 Days of Generosity Devotional - Read the devotional HERE

There is never a wrong time to make a pledge!

At St. Paul's, we believe in the collective effort of many, especially when it comes to supporting the mission and ministry of the Cathedral. A pledge is a commitment between you and God; no amount is too big or too small.

Pledging together, serving together, and sharing together:

Year-round Stewardship means being able to share time, treasure, and talents as they are available. We still have an Annual Campaign from which we will build the SPC Budget for the upcoming year, but anyone may be led through prayer and discernment to give as they are able throughout the current year. Handy Saints is especially ready for your time and talent, while all the ministries have space for any gifts you can share with them. There is even room for you on the Stewardship Committee if you are so inclined - a joyous, hopeful group.

2025 Pledge Form

Pledge Payment

Stewardship Committee

Samonia Byford
Chair 2021-2023

Carol Goodwin
Chair 2024-2026

Rob Duran
Committee Member

Tim Fischer
Committee Member

Robert Dennis
Committee Member


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